Community Pharmacy System

PharmCare SaaS platform streamlines prescriptions, digitizes medication management, and enhances operational efficiency. Pharmacists can effortlessly access patient records, medication stock, and prescriptions, enhancing operational efficiency. Our seamless integration with government drug databases enables easy tracking of medications and deployment of patient-friendly drug icon labels.  Join us in revolutionizing community pharmacy for enhanced patient care and improved health outcomes.

Main Features

Multiple Branch

Centralized management of data and operations across all locations, allowing for seamless synchronization of information.

Legal Drug Category

Categorizes medications according to legal classfications and sales requirements to ensures compliance with guidelines and facilitates tracking.

Partial Fill Option​

A convenient partial fill option, allowing pharmacists to dispense a portion of the prescribed medication while keeping track of remaining quantities.

E-prescription Book

Incorporates an electronic prescription book feature, enabling pharmacies to maintain a secure and organized record of all electronic prescriptions received.


A-Lively Community Pharmacy
Haven of Hope Christian Service
Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council
Health In Action
HKU Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine
Pok Oi Hospital
Christian Family Service Centre
St. James' Settlement
Multicultural Health Services
Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE)
The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon.

Empower Your Pharmacy Team Today!

Discover how our innovative solutions can optimize medication management, enhance patient care, and boost efficiency in your pharmacy. Take the next step towards a more empowered and successful pharmacy by embracing the first Hong Kong community pharmacy system.

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