
Atorvastatin(阿托伐他汀) Other names 別名:N/A Common Trade name(s) 常見牌子:Lipitor 膽固清 Usage 效用:Lowers blood cholesterol 降膽固醇 Drug labels and icon  藥物標籤及其圖標 : Take orally 口服 / Avoid taking in pregnancy 孕婦忌用 English 中文 English Introduction Atorvastatin is a type of statin which helps to lower blood cholesterol levels by reducing total cholesterol production. It can also lowers the […]


Aspirin (阿士匹靈) Other names 別名:N/A Common Trade name(s) 常見牌子:Aceprin, ASP, Cartia Usage 效用:Treats cardiovascular diseases and attacks, stroke, atrial fibrillation, pain killer, fever 止痛,消炎, 退燒,抗血小板,預防心血管疾病 Drug labels and icons 藥物標籤及其圖標 : 口服 Take orally / 飯後服用 Take after food  English 中文 English Introduction Aspirin is a common over-the-counter NSAID (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug) with multiple medicinal […]


Enalapril 依那普利 Other names 別名:N/A Common Trade name(s) 常見牌子:Vasotec 悅寧定 Usage 效用:Treats hypertension, myocardial infarction (heart attack), heart failure 控制高血壓、心肌梗塞、心臟衰竭 Drug labels and icon  藥物標籤及其圖標 : Take orally 口服 / Avoid taking in pregnancy 孕婦忌用 English 中文 English Introduction Enalapril is an ACE (Angiotensin-Converting-Enzyme) inhibitor used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure primarily. […]

Glyceryl Trinitrate

Glyceryl Trinitrate (硝酸甘油) Other names  別名 : Nitroglycerin Common trade name 常見牌子 : Glyceryl Trinitrate Tab, Nitrolingual Spray Usage 效用 : relieve/prevent angina (chest pain)  紓緩心絞痛 English 中文 English Introduction Glyceryl Trinitrate is used to stop or prevent an angina attack (chest pain caused by angina pectoris). This drug is only used in case of an […]

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