
Aspirin (阿士匹靈)Other names 別名:N/ACommon Trade name(s) 常見牌子:Aceprin, ASP, CartiaUsage 效用:Treats cardiovascular diseases and attacks, stroke, atrial fibrillation, pain killer, fever 止痛,消炎, 退燒,抗血小板,預防心血管疾病Drug labels and icons 藥物標籤及其圖標 : 口服 Take orally / 飯後服用 Take after food  English 中文 English IntroductionAspirin is a common over-the-counter NSAID (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug) with multiple medicinal…
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Paracetamol(撲熱息痛) Other names 別名:Acetaminophen Common trade name(s) 常見牌子 : Panadol Usage 效用:reduce fever, painkiller 退燒、止痛 English 中文 English IntroductionParacetamol is a common painkiller and can be used to reduce fever. This drug has minimal side effects, so it is suitable for people of different ages. It is commonly found in…
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