Glyceryl Trinitrate (硝酸甘油)
- Other names 別名 : Nitroglycerin
- Common trade name 常見牌子 : Glyceryl Trinitrate Tab, Nitrolingual Spray
- Usage 效用 : relieve/prevent angina (chest pain) 紓緩心絞痛
Glyceryl Trinitrate is used to stop or prevent an angina attack (chest pain caused by angina pectoris). This drug is only used in case of an emergency. It is not meant to be taken regularly.
Common side effects
Dizziness, low blood pressure, flushing
How to use:
When you are having an angina attack/ or if you are about to do something that you know may trigger cause an angina attack:
- Sit down or lay down
- Place 1 tablet or spray 1 puff under your tongue. Do not chew or swallow. It should relieve the chest pain within 5 minutes
- If the chest pain has stopped, spit out or swallow the tablet
- If the chest pain persists after 5 minutes of taking the drug, repeat the dose
- If the chest pain still persists after the third dose, call 999 immediately
- Continue to take the drug while waiting for help
Notes to the use of spray:
- Before you use a new bottle, spray 5 puffs into the air
- If you have not used it for more than 7 days, spray 1 puff into the air before use
- If you have not used it for more than 4 months, spray 5 puffs into the air before use
Precautions for storage:
- Store the tablets in the original amber bottles to protect the drug from light
- When carrying the drug, do not put it in the pockets of your clothes. It should be placed away from your body, like in your bag or purse.
- Store the drug in a dry and cool place. Do not place the drug in the fridge.
- The sublingual tablets should be discarded 8 weeks after first opening the container. You may wish to note the opening date on the packing for reference.
Who Cannot Take
- People who are taking PDE-5 Inhibitors such as Sildenafil, Vardenafil, Avanafil, Tadalafil (drugs for treating male erection problems
- Recent brain injury causing increased intracranial pressure
- People who have severe anaemia
Cautions with Other Medicines/Food
- Cannot be taken together with PDE-5 inhibitors such as Sildenafil, Vardenafil, Avanafil, Tadalafil (drugs for treating male erection problems)
Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
Category B: Either animal-reproduction studies have not demonstrated a foetal risk but there are no controlled studies in pregnant women or animal-reproduction studies have shown an adverse effect (other than a decrease in fertility) that was not confirmed in controlled studies in women in the 1st trimester (and there is no evidence of a risk in later trimesters).
Drug labels and icons
- 需要時 When necessary
- 舌下含服 Allow to dissolve under the tongue
- 儲存在陰涼乾燥地方 Store in a cool, dry place
- 免受陽光照射 Protected from sunlight
- 在開啟包裝8個星期後丟棄 Discard 8 weeks after opening
Glyceryl Trinitrate 俗稱「脷底丸」,主要用作緊急紓緩心絞痛。此藥只應於心絞痛發作或預料會發作時使用,不應恆常服用。
- 先坐下或者躺下
- 含一粒藥丸或噴一下噴劑於舌頭底下,切勿吞嚥,藥物大概會在5分鐘內紓緩心絞痛
- 如果心絞痛有所紓緩,可以吐出或者吞下藥丸
- 但如果用藥5分鐘後症狀仍然持續,可重新含服一粒藥丸或或噴一下噴劑
- 如果已經含服了三粒藥丸物或使用了三下噴劑後,症狀依然持續,應立刻致電999求救
- 在等待救護車的時候,應繼續含服藥物
- 第一次使用前,先對著空氣噴五下
- 如七天內沒有使用,使用前先對著空氣噴一下
- 如四個月內沒有使用,使用前先對著空氣噴五下
- 記得將藥物儲藏於原裝棕色的玻璃瓶內以遮光
- 在隨身攜帶藥物時,切勿將藥物置放於貼身衣物內,應放在非貼身物品內,例如手袋
- 藥物應放在乾爽陰涼的地方,並且不應放在雪櫃內
- 脷底丸:第一次打開藥丸容器後,應記錄打開的日期。在此日期的8星期後,應將容器內剩餘的藥丸棄置。
- 正在服用Sildenafil, Vardenafil, Avanafil, Tadalafil(治療男性勃起功能障礙藥物)的人
- 顱內壓升高的人 (例如頭部在不久前曾經受到撞擊)
- 患有嚴重貧血的人
- 不可一同服用:Sildenafil, Vardenafil, Avanafil, Tadalafil (治療男性勃起功能障礙)
B: 動物試驗並無出現對胎兒有害的證據,但缺乏針對懷孕婦女進行妥善設計且有對照組的研究,或雖然動物試驗顯示對胚胎有不良作用,但針對懷孕婦女的對照研究中,無法證明對於胎兒的危險性。
- 需要時 When necessary
- 舌下含服 Allow to dissolve under the tongue
- 儲存在陰涼乾燥地方 Store in a cool, dry place
- 免受陽光照射 Protected from sunlight
- 在開啟包裝8個星期後丟棄 Discard 8 weeks after opening